Crystal skulls, Q’eros and Peru Part 4

I returned to Pisac and decided to take some time out and compensate my body for all that it had done for me. So I was taken in a motor taxi to a place called Taray. Here in the bottom of a garden I was put in a hot bath full of herbs and rose […]

By |August 18th, 2015|Test|1 Comment

Crystal skulls, Q’eros and Peru Part 3



The next day I was up and ready at 8 am when my new found Q’ero friend and hopefully teacher had said he would arrive. Nobody appeared. I waited for the next hour and still nobody came, so I went to a phone box and phoned him a few times, but got only the answering […]

By |June 28th, 2015|Travel|1 Comment

Crystal skulls. Q’eros and Peru Part 2

Two years went by and I was invited by a Peruvian friend to travel to Peru  from Brazil, where I now spend a lot of time.  The first trip just didn’t happen, but in January 2015 I decided to make the journey.  I wrote to my friend who lives in Cusco and told her that […]

By |May 24th, 2015|Travel|5 Comments

Crystal skulls, Q’eros and Peru Part I

For many years I have worked with crystals, in particular crystal singing bowls, and also had an interest in crystal skulls. I understand that they are able to hold and transmit large amounts of information. One day as I was navigating my way through cyberspace, I came across an interesting website specializing in the sale […]

By |April 22nd, 2015|Travel|4 Comments